
Saturday, November 5, 2011


What follows is a craigslist posting and thread. I have no idea who the people are who replied, and I hereby make no verification of the situation

like triangle < mlmck > 10/23 13:35:51

I like a woman who is in love with a man who dislikes me. Every time I attempt niceties, he gets angry, wants to hurt me and becomes violent. The woman in question puts herself between he and I and subjects herself to abuse, coercion, manipulation and subjugation. She emerges from these conflicts with an appeasing attitude, as if nothing bad has happened, and hopes for continued peaceful resolutions to future conflicts. Then the cycle repeats. My kindness has become less and less out of fear that she will be hurt, and now feel that being mean to her will be the only way to prevent any interaction which might instigate conflagration, conflict or altercation. Any suggestions?

cut ties with all of them, after you give her < some-pamphlets > 10/23 13:53:23
from the local women's resource center on the different kinds of abuse.

wow! can I join? jk jk < curious-yaya > 10/23 13:53:33
I play on the other side of the fence?
Sounds like you like drama bud. Gimme a break.

If you really loved her you would leave her < - > 10/23 14:41:33
so she wouldn't be abused because of you. Stop thinking about yourself & walk away. She's made her choice. Stay out of it.

They are playing a game, you are the pawn § < stay-away > 10/23 15:17:50

1-800-JERRY-SPRINGER § < O_Rosio > 10/23 16:02:01

she's playing you like a cheap violin § < DrBallParkFrankley > 10/23 17:58:10

Can I play with your fiddle, DrBallParkFrankley? § < Tyler777 > 10/23 19:50:41

^^ a new troll § < DrBallParkFrankley > 10/23 20:51:42

Sad < GramaBeachyKeen > 10/23 22:15:45
This post doesn't say if you are male or female but it doesn't really matter. This man is a control freak and will do whatever to drive people away from HIS woman. She encourages this behavior and by making nice.Cut bait, run like hell. It will only get worse.

Let it go. You are a 3rd wheel. < - > 10/23 23:33:20
She doesn't value your friendship enough to stand up to him. You are only making problems for you and her.
Sometimes you have to take a stand to show people what you're made of; is her friendship worth it? I wouldn't have much respect for her. She loves someone who doesn't seem capable of loving her (he doesn't show it).

Cut ties with both of them as suggested. < EricTO > 10/24 08:22:46
It can be nicely gently and nicely. Tell your friend you are doing so because of this repetitive pattern. And ask her has she stopped to consider how much she values your friendship to keep putting you in this position? The cynical side of me causes me to suspect that she is subconsciously enjoying the drama.

Is he only like that when you come around? < - > 10/24 08:45:45
How do you know what he is like otherwise?
If he only gets like that around you/because of you, then leave them both alone.

ultimatum time < Bubbleface > 10/26 06:42:40
Either distance yourself from trouble, or give woman an ultimatum to leave the bastard, or you will be history.

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