
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rainy Saturday

Between waiting for passing traffic, negotiating a left turn against steady traffic, the rain, the cold, the lingering puddles of icy slush, the passive aggressive Minnesota Nice drivers who are trying so hard to try harder than my worst effort at being a considerate cyclist, the Farmer's Market not being open and puzzling a sudoku puzzle for a couple hours, the day was not what I would call overtly enjoyable. Or fun.
Other terminology escapes me.
So, besides a few well worn, time-tested vices that inescapably lead to ruin, what can a person turn to?
I don't know.
If I did, would I share it here?
One thing, besides toast, or a companion animal, or going crazy broadway style, (requires a slushy made of pure syrup) I occasionally resort to Jiffy cornbread.
Master the one egg, 1/3 Cup of milk, and you might add yogurt, or chocolate chips, or bananas. Or all three.
This is not an endorsement, or therapeutic advice, if I could take back the various poorly handled interactions that dictated my bike ride today I would. In lieu of a time machine, I offer Jiffy cornbread. Seriously.
There are still eleven.

*Footnote - due to the low grade quality of this pre-packaged product, I strongly suggest sifting the mix before adding anything to it. Those Tenebrio Obscurus eggs are everywhere.

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