
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Climb for a Cure and City of Lakes Loppet

At the City of Lakes Loppet, 2012, Photo Credit Michael McKinney
IDS Stair Climb, 2008

Photo Credit
IDS Stair Climb, 2012

Photo Credit Matt McKinney
This past week-end I participated in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Climb for the Cure stair climb at the IDS Building in Minneapolis - there are three divisions for the event, a competitive, timed, stair climb; a public service and fitness club challenge and the non-timed recreational stair climb...but you can time yourself if that's your cup of tea.  The group I climb with has now raised money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012, and we have a good time doing it.  This year we achieved our fundraising goals, and I contributed with donations from friends and family.  The Climb for A Cure has been the day before the City of Lakes Loppet Nordic Ski Race, a 35 Kilometer Freestyle race, (there's a bunch of other events too), through the heart of Minneapolis, starting in Theodore Wirth Park - the race is also a part of the Hoigaards Challenge Series, which includes a Triathalon and a Half Marathon. 
I included some photos from this year's events and past years as well - my Descente ski suit has not been out of the closet since 1992.  It's a 1988 vintage US National Team racing suit, back when corporate sponsors were allowed for amateur athletes...that's why the word "seagrams" is written across the right bicep, in scrolling italic font.  Don't get me wrong here, nobody is coming out of the closet, nobody is endorsing seagrams and I certainly was never a part of any US National Team.  It's a lot more complicated than that.  My neighbor was an Olympian.  In 1988, I mowed his lawn.  He paid me with a Descente US National Ski Team Racing Suit, circa 1988.  I have a friend with a very strong Italian heritage...he one upped me by getting an Italian National Team Suit, circa 1992.  Still makes me laugh. 
I timed myself, for fun, on the IDS Stair Climb this year...without breaking much of a sweat, at 9:53...I talked to another participant who was aiming to break the 10 barrier...that's 10 x 1280 steps, more than 500 floors, over a vertical mile.  Whoa.  At the Loppet 17 Kilometer Freestyle race, my time was 50 minutes and change.  Conditions were not optimal.  There is a lot more that could be said about why the Loppet was only 17 Kilometers this year, but if you're anywhere near Minnesota and reading this, I'd be preaching to the choir.
It may have gone without saying, but just to be sure, I did ride my bicycle to Wirth park on Saturday and Sunday of the Loppet week-end - on Saturday to pick up my race materials and on Sunday to's the Sunday map.  I think the Stupor Bowl was on Saturday, but I didn't notice.

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