
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Craigslist and the toilet

I posted a question on Craigslist last week, after continuing to have trouble with the toilet in my apartment. The problem, addressed in various and frighteningly intimate detail in the following three threads, is one of capacity. After posting the same basic question in three different discussion forums, Housing, Legal and Fix-it, I followed the threads and was a little surprised at how many people stood in line at the pinata. Then again, who can resist a free shot at a toilet joke?

The three posts are followed below by the respective postings, minus their user ids / handles.

toilet query < mlmck > 10/13 11:29:47

I live in an older brownstone apartment building. the studio apartment I rent has a small kitchen, a living area, a bathroom and a large closet with a Murphy bed. I have complained a number of times to the landlords because the toilet does not have adequate water pressure to properly function. The problem appears most frequently in the mornings and the evenings. The maintenance worker who inspected the toilet has made attempts at increasing the water, lubricating the seal and adjusting the plunger. nothing has changed the fact that actually clearing the tank in the morning or evening requires upwards of three separate flushes. I am not amused. Is there something I can do, besides complaining every time it happens, until the landlords or building owners replace the toilet?

Thank you for any help in this regard.

buy a 3 gal bucket an flush it manual §

excellent §

water pressure is not the issue

the water is already present in the tank when you flush. so that just means the toilet is a relic. i just put in a cheap ass glacier bay from the hmom depot and got 50 from my water provider and it uses 1 gal per and flushes well.

But will 1 gallon of water in a 4" pipe move 1/2


The other post is correct, it is not a pressure

issue. Residential toilets do not rely on water pressure. However, you can get a pressure assist tank that retrofits inside your toilet. Just search for toilet pressure assist tank.

Third time: its NOT water pressure.

The water pressure is what will help refill the tank quickly. The flushing has nothing to do with that.

What flushes the toilet is the sudden release of the water in the tank to the bowl, which then overflows the internal water passage and siphons everything out.

Is the level of the water in the tank too low? Or is there something in the tank to reduce the amount of water it holds? People sometimes do things to save water, like putting a brick in the tank, or lowering the fill level. They may save a few ounces of water but not flush properly as a result.

The other possibility is that there is something obstructing the plumbing leaving the tank. Then, the bowl is slow to empty and won't pull everything out that it should. The bowl may come close to overflowing before leaving through the internal passage. In that case, you could try getting a mechanical drain cleaner (roto-rooter type) to clear that passage - thought that should be the LL's responsibility, not yours.

It is possible that the septic pipes are undersized for the apartment, or leave the toilet with too little slope or drop.
In that case, there is not much anyone can do short of putting in new waste pipes.. or raising the toilet!


are you missing any toothbrushes?

something is stuck in the toilet trap

Maybe the turdballs he makes roll easily?

vent problems are another possibility

The fact that it happens more often in mornings and evenings could point to a vent issue...if the vents are undersized either by design (could have been adequate when installed but more/different fixtures were added later without proper re-engineering), are in the wrong place, or have some kind of blockage, multiple units flushing and running baths and sinks all at the same time (as happens mostly in the AM and PM) can overwhelm the vents ability to let the water flow freely.

The end result is the same thing that happens when you stick a soda straw in a filled glass and then put your thumb over the open end and pull the straw out and the water just stays the case of the plumbing, water is held back by the vacuum created by a full pipe that has little or no ability to break that vacuum created when that much water is introduced in a short time.

This can act exactly like a clog with tubs not draining, toilets backing up into tub, etc. but the difference is that the vent issue will usually "fix" itself after the vacuum breaks (the seal is far from perfect) and will stay fixed as long as large amounts of water don't fill everything up and allow the vacuum to form again.

toilet query...

I'd be willing to bet that there is an ink pen, or toothbrush, jammed up in the gooseneck of the toilet bowl. This was a constant problem at the nursing home where I worked. I've pulled out plastic spoons, forks, a man's wallet, a check book,and a pair of safety glasses, so it could be most anything in there... Straighten out a coat hanger and snake around in there. Happy hunting!

maintenance query < mlmck > 10/13 11:28:21

I live in an older brownstone apartment building. the studio apartment I rent has a small kitchen, a living area, a bathroom and a large closet with a Murphy bed. I have complained a number of times to the landlords because the toilet does not have adequate water pressure to properly function. The problem appears most frequently in the mornings and the evenings. The maintenance worker who inspected the toilet has made attempts at increasing the water, lubricating the seal and adjusting the plunger. nothing has changed the fact that actually clearing the tank in the morning or evening requires upwards of three separate flushes. I am not amused. Is there something I can do, besides complaining every time it happens, until the landlords or building owners replace the toilet?

Thank you for any help in this regard.

Eat more fiber.

I kid.

Lots of people, renters and homeowners alike, have to flush the toilet more than once to *ahem* take care of bidness.

It's not the end of the world.

You could offer to buy a new toilet but since this happens in the mornings (when, presumably, everyone is taking showers and getting ready for work) it seems to have more to do with water pressure than anything so I doubt a new toilet will resolve the situation.

Maybe move to a nicer, newer building?

Get your terms right

You don't clear the tank, you clear the bowl. Is there a tank? You know, that rectangle thing you see in typical home bathrooms, but not always in commercial installations. If so, water pressure isn't the issue because the flush water comes from the tank.

What happens if you dump a 5 gallon bucket into the bowl? You don't even need to touch the handle--just dump it in (don't splash pee on the walls). Does it clear? If so, maybe it's an older low flow model--those weren't very good. If that doesn't seem to help or it fills up a lot before making that happy, flush sound then it seems like you have slow sewer lines.

Post in the fixit forum; there are lots of plumber types there.

First of all....

it may not have anything to do with the toilet, it is most likely the pipes in the old buildings. I learned long ago in NYC that I had to give up my fluffy CHarmen and get thinner paper and flush very little down the toilet.

But no there is no legal issue as long as it does flush, this is not a habitability issue. You can complain all you want (I'd put it in writing by the way) but in reality many older buildings are like this, so you may want to consider moving to a newer building when your lease is up. Of course when you go around looking at places be sure to flush the toilet. And I was always taught to also turn on the sink as well as the shower for a moment to see the water pressure.

It may not be properly vented

or a partially clogged. This will prevent the flow of water from leaving the bowl.
Female products, even childrens toys etc...can be stuck for years in pipes.

I would ask the landlord to have the pipes scoped for obstructions. If your a good tenant, a good land lord would do this for you.

housing query < mlmck > 10/13 11:28:52

I live in an older brownstone apartment building. the studio apartment I rent has a small kitchen, a living area, a bathroom and a large closet with a Murphy bed. I have complained a number of times to the landlords because the toilet does not have adequate water pressure to properly function. The problem appears most frequently in the mornings and the evenings. The maintenance worker who inspected the toilet has made attempts at increasing the water, lubricating the seal and adjusting the plunger. nothing has changed the fact that actually clearing the tank in the morning or evening requires upwards of three separate flushes. I am not amused. Is there something I can do, besides complaining every time it happens, until the landlords or building owners replace the toilet?

Thank you for any help in this regard.

Does the toilet work? §

since it does flush

even though it takes a few times, you have an iffy claim on habitability. probably not a legal angle for you to pursue.

Are you paying the water bill?

If not, flush away and know that every time the tank fills, it's costing the LL.

Eat less fiber §

God, Wanda, push away from the table.

Old brownstones can't take a humongous bear shit, you know.

Um, water pressure doesn't make it Flush

it makes it Fill. You can shut off the water to it, and if the tank is full, it will still flush.

its probably

low flow. eco friendly. small tank.

It's probably 5 squares/day and tons of snacks. §

Or better:

OP has a brick in the tank to save water.

Or a bottle! *stares at the departed Guts* §

Toilets just water down good booze. §

The problem appears to be the sewer line

The tank is designed to provide enough water to flush most turds. However, if you are dumping some bigguns in there, you might consider a stool softener. If you just tinkle and it still is slow, the problem is the system needs to be snaked. Have the maintenceman run a small snake through the toilet to check it and if still slow, pull the stool and use a bigger snake. An obstruction will slow the flow from the stool only.

p-pull the stool?! You can't mean ... §

You know this info how? stool xprt §

I deal with Shitty people all day long

besides, how do you think I made my fortune? I have become a master at toy retreival. How else was I supposed to provide christmas presents during the 'Toys for Tots' drive.

It can be mineral scale build-up where the....

...water exits the tank into the bowl, too. Google around for ways to use CLR or some muriatic acid preparation to get rid of it. (I found this out the last time a called a plumber for what I thought was a clogged toilet drain.)

Oh u got bear shits in your house too! §

It's all that fiber the wife feeds me.

Goddamn rabbit food!

*makes rabbit-tooth face* §

The pink ears are a nice touch! §

Wheeeeeeee! §

Water pressure is irrelevant

you either got a clog in the drain, a clogged vent, or the flapper is not adjusted right. Replacing the toilet is hardly necessary, although I would love to cannonball these eco-freindly ones. Your LL needs to get a real plumber in there besides a maintenance guy.

Maybe it's a huge dead rat in the line?

Just trying to be helpful here.

Beehives in the vent lines are not uncommon §

Yes, the early low flush toilets sucked

but, it is not a 'must fix' maintenance item. Try flushing before (and after) you wipe.

w-wipe? *faints* §

^^ Hard to believe this is legal advice ^^ §

The job's never complete til paperworks done §

holy fuck you're all pathetic assholes! § < mlmck > 10/13 11:56:50

The Refunds Kiosk will remain open for

5 more minutes. I suggest you gather your things and get a move-on.


because we told you the truth (that you have no case) and offered you some plumbing advice?

you're an ungrateful fucker. piss off. have fun living in your shitty apartment.

BAM! You sunk his battleship! §

I wasn't looking for a case... < mlmck > 10/13 12:04:23

...just a little information. Do I have the right as a rentor to request a new, more economic and functional toilet? I am really not interested in being told the size of my bowel movements is an issue, regardless of your degree from Georgetown.

What part of "No" can't you assimilate? §

If the shits go down, no.

Try the bucket idea you got from fixit.

OOooooo! Shot across the bow! §

Either your tiolet works or not. So if you don't

have a functioning toilet that would be a valid legal problem. If it works but slowly, that's a non-issue.

i never said that

i said you don't have any legal recourse, which is true.

plenty of people have told you though how the problem might be corrected and what to tell the landlord, which if you were a little less full of *misplaced* righteous indignation, you might have realized.

You're a bit slow, aren't you? §

What part of "it may not be a toilet problem"

are you failing to understand?

There could be many other factors for a slow flushing toilet that have nothing to do with the toilet.

As I said, get a professional plumber in there. He may adjust the flapper, the float level, or find a clogged drain or vent. The toilet itself doesn't wear out.

And the plumbing advice was more practical...

...that what he got in FixIt/Home Improvement.

Ungrateful wretch.


Wait 'til someone comes in LeGo with DIY surgery.

We'll have 'em fixed up in no time!

Yea, but we don't shit logs like you

Next time call a logging company for information instead of coming here.


Oh, it's on now!

You got accurate answers, even if they..

...weren't the one you wanted.

So if a bear sh... oh nevermind! §


he wanted his fucking pony!

Pony shits will probably be smaller than his own §

What the hell does "Murphy bed" have to do with

this issue?

Just giving a little context that he

lives in a hovel. Paints a picture ... lets us provide better free advice.

Lucky that he has indoor plumbing at all §

Very true.

I had to shit in a small hole in the ground in Checkoslovakia. Trying to aim kinda hurt my legs.

At least in America, you have options:

The first time I encountered a porcelain...

...squatter in Japan, I was extremely perplexed.

Now you know to ask for a "Western" room when

you book your hotel lol.

Yup. §

It's weird ... they got these lousy crappers

and yet they're so fussy about the bidet. We're completely opposite, a sparkling sit-down and no god-damned Frenchie bidet for us, TYVM.

It looks like a baby cradle. Don't poop

on my baby!!!!11



The one in Checko didn't have the big basin

Just a little ceramic bowl in the ground, like a breakfast cereal bowl.

Seriously, I walked in for the first time ... I'm like, "You can't be serious. WTF!"

Well thanks a lot. < mlmck > 10/13 12:19:18

@ net_snoop, you're right.
@ Hoofihotari, you got pom-poms with that cheer?
@ ignoranus, provoding context, like she said.
@ LyingLyingMan, I have no righteousness for you to mock. Fail.
@ Silentpat, no bears shit where no bees don't make honey.
@ observ1959, Thanks, should I stand or sit before or after the first wipe?
@ doublebarsinister, slow and steady wins the day, punk.

See you all in the plumbing aisle of the local Wal-Mart. I'll look for the nearest douche in a white tank top.

You seem dissatisfied with the service today.

May we offer you a voucher for your next family visit to Olive Garden?


are you 12?

aye.. §

Perhaps if you weren't retaining so much anger

at the world, your bowels would function in a more normal manner and your crapper wouldn't plug up.

^^ Very good advice. §

And to think this used to be the helpful


Thats what you get for asking a plumbing question to a bunch of lawyers. Probably cheaper than asking a plumber though.

And frankly, the advice was better.

Attorneys can do anything. Except I still can't throw a lobster into boiling water. I have to leave the room.

you should chop them up

and grill them. tasty.

I can't be on standby for that either.

But I'd be delighted to join you once they hit the table!

you are always welcome at my table hoof! §

I can play a convincing sushi platter! §

Well, the quality of people in here was better

before we got here. ;-)

It just needs a new flapper or flush mechanism

assuming the water goes down the bend quickly enough.

How big are the shits you're taking?

Just askin'.

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