Monday, May 11, 2015

The Stress of a Metatarsal Stess Fracture

Saint Paul Black Lives Matter Protest, 1-2015. Photo by Michael McKinney.

Half Ass Kitchen Bread, 5-2105. Photo by Michael McKinney.

Metatarsal Stress Fracture, 2-2015. Photo by Michael McKinney

Ford Parkway, St. Paul, 3-2015. Photo by Michael McKinney.

Rice Park, 1-2015. Photo by Michael McKinney.

Smallie, Lake Nokomis, 5-2105. Photo by Michael McKinney.

New tires, 5-2015. Photo by Michael McKinney.

St. John's University Stick House, 2-2015. Photo by Michael McKinney.

Minneapolis sunrise, 4-2015. Photo by Michael McKinney.

Well let me tell you, it's been at least three months. Three months of a small little man swinging a carpentry hammer into the middle of my foot every time I walk. You'd think more people would see the little fella, but maybe people mistake him for a Dachshund or a vicious little Pomeranian...I hear Papillons are particularly savage, given their size.

Ha. Just kidding.

Rewind back to the first weekend of February - I'm a little overweight, enjoying hibernation and trying to resume a workout routine at my local YMCA. I lift some weights, I jump-rope one footed for a couple minutes, I run, I load up my overloaded backpack and walk home. The next day I lace up my tight hockey skates and skate around, the day after that I jump on my cross country skis and sprint around a Kilometer race with my Nephew...and lo and behold...a Metatarsal Stress Fracture hits my foot and I limp for three days before seeing a Nurse Practitioner who tells me I'm Shit Out Of Luck.

That was three months ago, and last week I decided to test my rehabilitation with a ten mile run. I had been swimming, (I'm not a good swimmer) as much as I could in March, slowly starting to run on a treadmill, riding my bike again and felt like a solid run was a wise decision. It was not, and I limped for a couple of days.

I have been told by friends and acquaintances that a Metatarsal Stress Fracture is painful, but I have typically relegated it to a slight annoyance, however if you google it, and I suggest you do, you will quickly learn it sucks. So that being said, I have been out on my bike again this spring, and as a handful of nurses have reminded me, swimming and biking are okay with a Metatarsal Stress Fracture, but running is out. That includes running after frisbees, which I also found out the hard way a month and half ago.

So, don't worry, (I know you were not going to be worried) there is no small little guy walking next to me swinging a carpentry hammer into my foot, but damned if it doesn't feel like it just a little bit.

What did I miss...well I've been reading some, riding my bike some and baking bread, the usual suspects. Other than that, feeling like somebody has dropped a bowling ball on my foot has been a little preoccupying. Enjoy the pictures...